Female reproductive system

Female reproductive system consists of following organs:: , ovaries ,oviduct  ,uterus vagina. 
ovaries are oval shaped organ which are inside a dominal cavity of women near kidney a woman has two ovaries ovaries are primary reproductive organ in women  the function of ovary is to make mature female sex cell called eggs and also to make sex hormone called oestrogen and progesterone. 
The oviduct are not directly connected to ovaries but by a funnel shaped opening which are most cover ovaries. 
To over that connect to a bag like organ called uterus the growth and development of fertilized egg take place in uterus
Vagina receive the penis from putting sperm into women body exam tubular structure birth canal. 
Question🙋 arises
Why Vagina is called birth canal?
Vagina is called birth Canal because this passage that a baby is born after completion of development inside  uterus of mother
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