Male reproductive system..

Male reproductive system
Male reproductive system consists of 
Testes, scrotum, vas differnce , seminal vesicle prostrate gland and penis, epididymis, urethra.. 

 Testis are are oval saved organ which like outside the the adominal cavity of man. 
A man has two testis .Testis are reproductive organ in men. The function of testis is to make male gametes called sperms and also to make sex hormone called testerone ,the testis of man lie outside the adominal cavity, in muscular pouch called scrotum . 

Question🙋 arises
1)Why Testes  lie outside adominal cavity? 
Testis lie outside the abdominal cavity of body because the sperm formation required lower temperature than normal body temperature being outside the abdominal cavity the temperature of scrotum is about three degrees celsius lowered and temperature inside body in this way the testis provide optimal temperature of most stable temperature for formation of sperm. 
The sperm formed in testis come out and go in epididymis the sperm gets stored temporary in epididymis from epididymis The sperm are carried by a long tube called vas difference which join another tube called urethra,coming from bladder. 
Along the path of Vas difference the gland called seminal vesicle and prostate gland at their secretion to sperm so that the sperm are now in a liquid the liquid plus the sperm it contain is called Semen .
Urethra form a common passage for sperm and urine 
Urethra carries the sperm to an organ called penis which open outside the body
The Pennies passes the sperm from man bodies into vagina in women body during meeting for the purpose of reproduction.... 
To see for Female reproductive system click

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