
Too 5 best Success thought/quote

    S uccess is not final  Failure is not fatal.    S uccess is to be measured not so  much bye position  that one has reached in life  as by the obstacle  which have been    S uccess in any venture, including  the spiritual Ventura  comes to those  who dare to act The secret of success  is constancy to  purpose so keep moving toward  your aim to achieve  all that you    success consists of a series  of little daily victories  don't count the things you  do the things  which count

Female reproductive system

Female reproductive system consists of following organs:: , ovaries ,oviduct  ,uterus vagina.   ovaries are oval shaped organ which are inside a dominal cavity of women near kidney a woman has two ovaries ovaries are primary reproductive organ in women   the function of ovary is to make mature female sex cell called eggs and also to make sex hormone called oestrogen and progesterone.  The oviduct are not directly connected to ovaries but by a funnel shaped opening which are most cover ovaries.  To over that connect to a bag like organ called uterus the growth and development of fertilized egg take place in uterus Vagina receive the penis from putting sperm into women body exam tubular structure birth canal.  ______________________________________________ Question🙋 arises Why Vagina is called birth canal? Vagina is called birth Canal because this passage that a baby is born after completion of development inside  uterus of mot...

Male reproductive system..

Male reproductive system Male reproductive system consists of  Testes , scrotum, vas differnce  , seminal vesicle prostrate gland and penis , epididymis, urethra ..    T estis are are oval saved organ which like outside the the adominal cavity of man.  A man has two testis .Testis are reproductive organ in men. The function of testis is to make male gametes called sperms and also to make sex hormone called testerone  ,the testis of man lie outside the adominal cavity, in muscular pouch called scrotum  .  ______________________________________________ Question🙋 arises 1)Why Testes  lie outside adominal cavity?  Testis lie outside the abdominal cavity of body because the sperm formation required lower temperature than normal body temperature being outside the abdominal cavity the temperature of scrotum is about three degrees celsius lowered and temperature inside body in this way the testis provide optimal temperature of m...

Difference between pulser and quasar?

What is pulser?? Pulsars are rotating neutron stars observed to have pulses of radiation at very regular intervals that typically range from milliseconds to seconds. How do we see  ?  ,We see pulsars turn on and off as the beam sweeps over Earth. Who discovered Pulsar?  The pulsar was discovered by NASA's NuSTAR which detected the pulsar's X-ray emission.  What are  Quasar?  Astronomers called them "quasi-stellar radio sources," or "quasars," because the signals came from one place, like a star. However, the name is a misnomer; according to the  National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

Which planet are orbiting around black hole??

How a planet can orbit around black hole..? The question arises when someone heard about it..   The planet which revolves around black hole called Blanets .  They can Theoratically grow anywhere 20 to 3000 time massive than earth.  Supermassive black holes are typically surrounded by vast disks of gas and dust, as seen in this artist's concept. And now, researcher think planets might form in these wild environments. Jurik Peter/Shutterstock Blanets are fundamentally similar to planets; they have enough mass to be rounded by their own gravity, but are not massive enough to start thermonuclear fusion, just like planets that orbit stars.

Why do men have nipple?

Why mens have nipples ?  While all men produce some oestrogen, they usually have much higher levels of testosterone, which stops the oestrogen from causing breast tissue to grow.  Nipples develop in womb before embryo distinctly male or female.  So by the time a Y  chromosome  kick In to distinguish a feTus as male.  The nipples have already secured in their place.. 

International flag of earth

Earth have it's own Flag Pledging allegiance to the international flag of our planet could become a worldwide practice with this exciting design of a flag for Earth. Vexillology The scientific study of flags is called vexillology, and the practice of designing flags is called vexillography  Design, construction.  Who designed?  A proposal for The International Flag of Planet Earth by Oskar Pernefeldt. Oskar Pernefeldt Envision about international flag of Earth🌎 Construction of The International Flag  Planet Earth from Beckmans College of Design on Vimeo. •Construction of The International Flag of Planet Earth from Beckmans College of Design on Vimeo . "PURPOSE OF THE FLAG 1. To be used while representing planet Earth . 2. To remind the people of Earth that we share this planet, no matter of national boundaries . That we should take care of each other and the planet we live on." Described by Osk...